Author: Mark Biernat

  • Where to live in Poland? – city or country

    When I grew up I loved the countryside.  I grew up in New England in the countryside I wanted to stay. In fact, when I moved to NYC out of college I thought why?  Everything I wanted was in small town New England. I had lakes and fields to play in, I have a beautiful…

  • Polish homes

    Polish homes

    The purpose of this post is to talk about homes in Poland just from my personal view. Why I know about Polish homes I am in the American that lives in Poland. I have lived here for many years.  One thing I have noticed about the Polish landscape is the style of houses are different…

  • Polish word for lame – Kiepski

    Polish word, idioms and slang for the word lame One of my favorite words in English is the word ‘lame’. However, for many years I thought there was no good translation for this word as when I watched films in Polish they always translated it as ‘słabo’. This means weak.  However, if you say a…

  • Krakow Medieval festival

    Behind my house every year on the Tuesday following Easter is living history, a Krakow Medieval festival. It is the Rekwaka tournament and reenactment of the Middle Ages that is connected to the founder of Krakow – Prince Krak.  Rękawka means sleeve in Polish. It was said that people moved the earth from to build…

  • Polish prices

    Here is how to live in Poland based on Polish consumer prices. These are based on my personal experience not some abstract measure or hypothetical person. If you have a reasonable job and want a normal life here are my experiences. Prices in Poland I recommend shopping only at Auchens as it is were you…

  • Krakow to Lviv

    How to travel from Krakow to Lviv The following is a list of ways to go from Krakow, Poland to Lviv Ukraine. I live in Krakow and go to Lviv a lot for various reasons. Many people touring Eastern Europe are fine with going to Poland and EU country but are afraid to cross out…

  • Warsaw vs. Krakow

    Cracow vs. Warsaw Hang around in the two top-tier cities in Poland long enough, and at some point you’re bound to hear of the perennial debate that goes on between residents of the current capital versus residents of the former capital.  Warsaw has been the seat of government since  1596, a fact that stings some…

  • Taxes in Poland for Polish residents who speak English

    The purpose of this post is to give you some ideas about taxes in Poland is your are a dual citizen or resident, an English speaker that needs to pay taxes in Poland. I am not an expert on taxes, but here is the idea (I did taxes at Price Waterhouse). I also have a…

  • Prices in Poland

    Things are cheaper in Poland A common fairy-tale is prices in Poland are more than in the USA. I love to hear Polish people repeat this myth. They come back  complaining hour expensive things are in Poland compared to the USA or Europe. I just got back from a trip to the USA.  I was…

  • Learn Polish – normal person’s guide to the language

    I interviewed one of my friends who learned Polish. He studied Polish as an adult and learned it to the fluency level. In his posts he tells you what he did to learn Polish. Further he tells you why some people do not learn a language and lastly gives some advice on how to learn…