Poles love Americans and Americans love Poles. However, dating is a little more complicated and not what many people think. This is not the 1980s and Poland is not the Soviet Union, nor was it ever. Polish girls choose guys because they are in love and a subconscious component of this is they are compatible including culture.
Do Polish girls want to marry western guys?
I do not know, it took a year for my wife to even would go out on a date me because she thought I was a foreign guy who wanted to play. Only when she got to know me, then she we start meeting and dating. Basically I had to move to Poland to date her.
Let me tell you a story. It was funny one day I pulled out my Polish identity card after knowing her for about nine months. She was asking me who is this with the last name of ‘Biernat’. I said that is me, she said what, I though you last name was Smith. I said I am Polish. Needless to say I she was pretty happy.
It is not that she did not want to date a foreigner (me) it is that it makes like complicated. Many English guys come for a weekend and the go home. Many people come from different cultures and religions or are not religious and where will they get married, how will they raise their children? It is easier to marry someone of the same religion and a nice boy to take home to the parents.
- Irish, Polish and Italian marriages actually work pretty well. Many Muslim and Polish marriage work because both are religious people. But agnostics cultures and Poles do not mix well as there are cultural differences.
- Poles who are Americans really find happiness and bliss in Poland with Polish partners as there are similarities and difference but just enough to make it interesting.
Culture is a reason marriages to foreigners are always martial bliss
Having lived in Eastern Europe a good part of my life I can tell you that most women there love their guys and want to marry their guys, same culture can bring them home to Mama. Polish girls want Polish guys, and Russian girls are very nationalistic and want Russian guys. Yet in every culture, even American we complain about our own. We complain about American women and American women complain about us. It is nature. Polish girls complain about Polish men sometimes. Even in the Bible Jesus said a prophet is not honored in his home town, or something like this.
However, the other extreme is I see British and Polish marriages break after a few years from the strain of two different realities. Their approaches to life are different.
Two types of American guys looking for love in Poland
- Americans and Poles are more congruent culturally, but it depends are you talking Americans with a real love of Europe and maybe Catholic; or some sport watching American who is pround of his business accomplishments, thinking money impresses girls (it does not and I defy anyone who tells me it does).
- Yet still, some Americans mistakenly think because they are from the west they can just import a Polish girl for a wife. I tell them not so fast, if you do this and not understand the complexities of the cultures than you will wake up one day and realize you married just another farm girl from Kansas with red shoes.
Further, I know a lot of American girls dating or married to Eastern Europeans and living in Eastern Europe. I know many people on my blog asking how to marry an Eastern European for a passport. This is not the stereotype that Polish girls are dreaming of marrying a western guy to escape. Yeah right. On he contrary, I think many Americans escape to Poland like I did.
Again, before I married my wife I learned Polish and went to her Church. We fit well, as well being madly in love.
EU factor in marriage
Look All EU citizens are like US citizens, free movement of labor and capital. There are millions of Poles in the UK and Ireland. Many marry there, but the USA is a zillion miles away and the standard is just OK.
Look if I was a chick and wanted a better life I would go to Norway or Sweden or France, a million other places close to home in the EU than the USA. In Europe you have free medical, universities, care long vacations (months) interesting history, in the USA the economy is just OK. I love the states but I would not say we are the empire we once were.
Life in Krakow shops – look at this article I wrote about shopping in Krakow, look at the photos, It is not a bad life in Poland you know.
So are foreigners special?
Yes because there is a novelty in being different. But there is a lot more to love than just novelty.
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