Polish rooftops

Possessive pronouns mój, moja and moje

Possessive pronouns mój, moja and moje in Polish

Here are some of the most basic possessive pronouns in Polish that you need to know. It is my.  Usually when we speak a language we speak about Yourself and the other person you are talking to.  Therefore I think my and your is one of the most important things to learn in Polish.

You need to learn Polish grammar one word at a time and need the framework of grammar to help you speak.  Starting with Polish possessive pronouns pronouns is a good place to start as it is so basic. Polish is so hard that you almost have to master one word at a time.

This lesson will help you learn the difference between masculine and feminine and neuter objects and apply this to the nominative case.  The is “this is” case.

I created this lesson with Polish family vocabulary.

This is the nominative case for the Polish possessive pronouns of ‘my’
Mój – for male things usually ending in a constant.
Moja for female things usually ending in A
Moje for neutor things usually ending in O.
Try to learn a little Polish grammar with this quiz on mój,moja and moje.

Polish possessive pronouns ‘my’ quiz

  1. To jest _ mąż.
  2. To jest _ żona.
  3. To jest _ dziecko
  4. To jest _ teść.
  5. To jest _ Teścowa.
  6. To jest _ ojciec.
  7. To jest _ matka
  8. To jest _ Dzidek.
  9. To jest _ babka.
  10. To jest _ wnuczek
  11. To jest _ synowa
  12. To jest _ syn

As always let me know if you have any questions about Polish grammar or ways to improve this site.






11 responses to “Possessive pronouns mój, moja and moje”

  1. george sandford


    I appreciate the fact this information is free and that you have put a lot of work into it. However, I used this site about 6 months ago and saved the link. This is the first time I’ve been back to it and I’m sorry to say I’m rather dissappointed. It seems much more jumbled and difficult to navigate. The old format with 8 or 9 different aspects with 100 questions was great. This doesn’t look as good as is much harder to find your way around -some things just get into a loop of clicks that take you back where you started. Having said all that. it’s still helpful. George

    1. admin

      Thanks for the comment on Possessive pronouns. I will be working on building up the site first and will most likely revise the organization. But at this juncture I have not added a lot of new things to Polish grammar recently and that will be my first priority. Again thanks for the feedback it is important.

  2. Aneta

    You made a mistake…at the very end, where you ask a question
    To jest _ syn
    *mo — it should be moj (with the Polish symbol, of course)

    Great website by the way! Very maturely done.

    1. admin

      Thanks for the comment. I want to build this Polish grammar site, its all a matter of free time. I writing a few programs for teaching the Polish language, and I have a day job.

  3. Christopher Hathaway

    What a super site, and so well done. I’m grateful for the effort and advice you have put into this site. I have retired and come to Poland to learn the language, advice on common pitfalls, learning strategies etc. are always so useful, as is, of course, advice on grammar.

    1. Mark Biernat

      Thanks for your kind words. Here is an article on one of my other sites. It is a little slow at first but by part two it is well written. claritaslux.com/how-i-learned-a-language/ that is the web address. It is written by a friend of mine who speaks Polish fluently now. It was his personal experience with learning Polish.

  4. Han Bouman

    Errors: Polish possessive pronouns ‘my’ quiz

    5 Teścowa –> teściowa
    8 Dzidek –> dziadek

  5. Evi


    I just want to say that this web site is absolutely amazing. I was looking for opinions on learning Polish for non-native speakers,especially on Polish grammar and their ways to learn the language effectively.
    Keep maintaining the web site because it’s a great piece of work and provides some hope to these who want to study this language. I am very, very impressed and I wouldn’t worry about small spelling mistakes (referring to some comments).
    Just so you know, I am a Polish native speaker and I am looking for constructive and efficient ways to teach non-native speakers our language.

    1. Mark Biernat

      I will continue to build this website and add more. I need to as Poland has been a personal live long passion of mine. However, I am also considering a forum so there is user generated content as well traffic on the site continues to grow.

  6. ewa

    A dziadek i teściowa nadal nie poprawieni.

  7. I have recently discovered your website ,Mark Biernat , and am loving it .
    It is so readable and I find your grammar explanations fascinating .
    It’s like finding the key to a secret room .

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