Possessive pronouns mój, moja and moje in Polish
Here are some of the most basic possessive pronouns in Polish that you need to know. It is my. Usually when we speak a language we speak about Yourself and the other person you are talking to. Therefore I think my and your is one of the most important things to learn in Polish.
You need to learn Polish grammar one word at a time and need the framework of grammar to help you speak. Starting with Polish possessive pronouns pronouns is a good place to start as it is so basic. Polish is so hard that you almost have to master one word at a time.
This lesson will help you learn the difference between masculine and feminine and neuter objects and apply this to the nominative case. The is “this is” case.
I created this lesson with Polish family vocabulary.
This is the nominative case for the Polish possessive pronouns of ‘my’
Mój – for male things usually ending in a constant.
Moja for female things usually ending in A
Moje for neutor things usually ending in O.
Try to learn a little Polish grammar with this quiz on mój,moja and moje.
Polish possessive pronouns ‘my’ quiz
As always let me know if you have any questions about Polish grammar or ways to improve this site.
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