Polish grammar possessives lesson 5


Possessive pronouns show to who/what something belongs. As in English possessive pronouns change slightly in case. For example, In English we say. This house in mine. This is my house. It changes in case.

In English our pronouns are: my, your, his/her/its, their our,. However, in Polish again possessive pronouns agree in in case gender and number.

They answer the question – whose does it belong?.

Rozmawiałam z moim szefem o naszym projekciem.

I spoked with my boss about our project.

Dawno nie widziałem mojej siostry ani jej męża.

I didn’t see my sister or her husband for a long time.

Przedstawię cię mojemu przyjacielowi, polubisz go.

I will introduce you to my friend, you will like him.

Pójdę na spacer z moim psem.

I will walk with my dog.






2 responses to “Polish grammar possessives lesson 5”

  1. Christine

    I am sorry but you seem to be very confused about English. There are two parts of speech that have to do w/ possessive. One is the possessive adjective (my, your, his, her, its, our, their). The other is the possessive pronoun used as a predicate adjective: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, theirs, i.e. This house is theirs. But: Their house is around the corner. Got it? Please make this correction.

  2. Christine

    And therefore, those have nothing to do w/ case!

    As for our possessive pronouns, you have them all wrong. Possessive pronouns once again are: mine, yours, his, hers, its, ours, and theirs.

    Our personal pronouns are I, me, you, he, him, she, her, it, our, and they/them. As you can see the only pronouns that have CASE are I and me, he and him, she and her, and finally they and them. There are no case endings among our possessive pronouns or adjectives.

    I am afraid your frequent errors about English call in question what you might be trying to teach about Polish. Can I trust you to know what you are saying in Polish, if you cannot adequately explain English?

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