Polish grammar adjective cases lesson 4

Polish Adjective cases

Similar to English, Polish adjectives, nouns usually precede their nouns; however, their forms change to respect their nouns.

Polish adjectives agree in gender, number and case with their respective nouns. For example if the noun is singular, then the adjective will agree with the noun in gender, that is masculine, feminine or neuters, number (singular), and case.

Remember that masculine nouns, have two forms, that is animate, referring to people and animals, and inanimate.

As with noun cases adjectives are a matter of learning the endings and practice.

Here are some examples with dobry.

To byl dobry dzien. It was a good day.

To dobra osoba. This is a good person.

To mieszkanie jest w bardzo dobrym miejscu. This flat is in a very good place.

Szukam dobrej ksiazki. I am looking for a good book.

On byl dobrym czlowiekiem. He was a good man.

Zjadlabym dobre ciastko. I would like to eat a good cake.

Bylem w kawiarni z dobra znajoma. I was in a café with a good acquaintance.

Potrzebuje dobrego programu do nauki jezyka. I need a good program for learning


Nasi sasiedzi to dobrzy szachisci. Our neighbors are good chess players.

Wczoraj sluchalismy dobrych plyt. Yesterday we were listening to good records.

To dobry pomysl. It is a good idea.

Mam w tobie dobrego przyjaciela. In you I have a good friend.






One response to “Polish grammar adjective cases lesson 4”

  1. Christine

    If you are going to do this, it would be great if you told us the gender of each of the nouns. As it is now, we are left to our own devises to try to figure out what gender the adjective ending is.

    for ex., is pomysl feminine and therefore dobry is as well? or is pomysl neuter or masculine. nie wiem.

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