Poland and The USA are two different worlds entirely. The USA is sunny and positive and casual. Poland is cold, dark and romantic. There is an ancient feel in Poland, something almost mystical. I have often said that in the USA life is easy, in Poland life is beautiful.
People in Poland day to day
However, not to romanticized too much about Poland there are some difficult sides. The people had the War then communism. As a result people can appear not as friendly initially as you might be use to. I would say this applies to the cities like Warsaw, Krakow etc, not to the villages. However, do not misunderstand me.
In the US for example, people are superficially positive and friendly, sometimes but it is only on the surface. In contrast in Poland people might be cold initially on the outside but when you get to know then it is a world of difference. People often say this about other Northern Countries, like Scandinavian countries.
I have never had an issue with Poland people beyond grumpiness. It is a Catholic country and people treat people with respect. They will help you on the streets if you are lost and like to interact with foreigners and use English, even if you want to speak Polish.
Life in the village
Village life is totally different and people are more easy-going. In the cities they are charging ahead and trying to get and take as much as they can. I would say Polish cities have the feel of NYC in the 1970s, that is a lot of unfriendly and rude people. Polish people taking advantage of Polish people and foreigners coupled with long faces and a low-level of customer service. I think this is most seen in the people in their 50s. People in the 20s are like Americans, positive and friendly as are Poles in their 30s.. The character of American cities have change a lot over forty years and I suspect this will happen in Poland also. I do not want to say anything bad about Poland, but just want to give some people a heads up that sometimes you might encounter some rude people and this is because of communism. It has nothing to do with Poland or the Polish people, just a group of people that are going away that learned the way to interact with people under communism.

I am almost 100% positive on Poland, however, there are some things to be aware of. I can not tell you the number of people who have tried to use me in Poland. In the USA it would not happen as much, but it does happen. So you have to be vigilant. When I moved to Poland I thought Polish people could do not wrong. I learned they were just people like all over the world, some are sheeps and some are wolves.
It is easy to go to the dark side and get sucked into the negativity around you. I am sure it was communism that changed the attitude of Polish people. It is not all Polish people just those who have an attitude from communism that nothing good can come from Poland. It is not true. Poland is a blessed nation.
On the other hand, I lived in Poland about ten years and did so for a reason, because I love Poland and it is one of the most amazing places on earth. I think the women are beautiful, slim and attractive as well as educated if you are a single guy, hint – hint. The history and culture are rich, it is in the center of Europe and it has beautiful nature.
My day in Poland Vs. My day in the USA
I moved to St. Augustine, Florida recently. I would say that life is different from Poland. Not in prices as much as what I do.
My day here in the USA is, writing, swimming surfing, biking and sun.
My day in Poland was writing, and rocking shopping centers (for example) and going to parks and museums, or other shopping malls (because it was too cold). On the weekends or vacation I traveled all over Europe and Poland. I hike in nature in Poland. In both countries I enjoy gardening.
My point is day to day life in not much different. You work and play within the context of your interests. Poland has more cultural things to do and the US has easier road travel.
Shopping in the USA vs Poland
Poland and USA are equal in terms of shopping in 2019, you have Amazon and Netflix in both countries. I would have to say I like Poland generally better for the culture and American for the weather.
Beside that it is similar.
I tend to think you need more money in the USA to have the same standard of life. Housing is pricey in the USA and it is more about keeping up with the Jones. In Poland you can buy a nice city apartment for a fraction of the price of the US. Also if you buy local food is more expensive in the USA by far. Only gas is cheaper in the US, but Poland has better transportation.
I have said all along, with one million zlotys in Poland, you can have a big car (automatic), full cable on a flat screen, travel Europe to sunny locations, a nice wooden house in the countryside where you actually keep the heat cranked. A very nice life. This way you can insulate yourself from the darkness and cold.
On the other hand you can live much cheaper in Poland if you want to, and do not have such high expectations about lifestyle. You could rent a basic flat in a block and eat at the milk bars. Its an interesting life. Nothing like the USA, it has a rustic authentic feel. Maybe you need about 4k PLN a month and you will have a good life.
In contrast in Florida where I live now, it is a different world here. The water is still warm. I think December and January and February I will be going to the gym more than ocean, basically winter. I am enjoying the easy going life in warm weather and friendly customer service.
Weather in Poland and the USA
Polish people say – ‘ our weather is normal we have 4 seasons’. No it is not normal. It is three season. PA is normal, NC is normal. It is because they are used to it, they say it is normal. But most of the world’s population does not live that high north in the globe. I am not saying it is bad, a lot of smart people come from northern places as they are inside living a surreal existence of cold blue dark winter.
- Poland has 3 seasons Winter, Spring, fall
- St. Augustine, Florida where I live has 2 seasons. Summer and spring – the exact opposite seasons in the other direction. I might go surfing today, we have this boggy board. I do not know if I prefer the heat or the cold but in Florida I enjoy growing food all year around.
- NC and PA has a true 4 seasons.
If you like skiing and winter sports like skating Poland is fun. I was going to get x-country ski in Poland. We went ice skating and that was fun. Also it is a lot of fun if you need to focus on work and you can be cozy watching the snow fall from your window. Steven King writes in Maine and it does not stop him. Cold weather is great for working too.
So this is a short post to get a discussion going on Poland Vs. the USA. I would be curious to hear other people’s experiences.
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