Polish grammar noun case endings tables 2

Polish Grammar

 Polish grammar

Lesson 2. Noun case endings:

Remember Cases are the hardest and almost only part of Polish grammar. One you learn these first few lessons Polish grammar is easy.

This is Polish grammar in a nutshell. This table contains the singular noun case endings. If you know this table and can use it, and nothing else, people will be impressed.

Questions Nouns
  Masculine Noun Thing Masculine Noun animal Masculine Noun Person Feminine Nouns Feminine Soft Feminine ni Neuter
Nominative a a i o
Genitive u a a y/i i i a
Dative owi u owi ie y i u
Accusitive a a e ie o
Instumental em em iem a a ia em
Locative u e e ie y i e






10 responses to “Polish grammar noun case endings tables 2”

  1. Leonard Leon

    Your web site is the best that I have found. You’re helping me brush up on Polish that an excellent teacher once started teaching me, but that illness forced me to stop. This chart in lesson 2 on case endings singular is very helpful, but where is a chart for plural nouns?

    1. Mark Biernat

      Thank you for the kinds words and sorry about your illness. I had noun case endings in a nice chart and table somewhere. I created examples. I do not have these at my fingure tips. I need to put them up on the grammar website. I am sorry I have no update this part of the website in a while as I have had many things going on in my life, such as writing language software and flashcards and moving from Poland to the USA.

  2. A Jackson

    What does the ni stand for ‘feminine ni’, many thanks for your website as it has helped me so much. Dziękuję.

    1. Mark Biernat

      Ni does not mean anything, what do you mean like an ending, I need an example.

  3. A Jackson

    Sorry I asked because on the table above it says – feminine nouns, feminine soft, feminine ni- thats what I meant, just trying to work out the table above 🙂

  4. nematullah

    I don’t know that (feminine ni) what is ni?

    1. Mark Biernat

      In old Polish this is ‘neither/nor” – for example:
      W pobliżu nie było ani człowieka ani zwierzęcia.

      Ani is the modern version of ni.

  5. Tara

    How do you know which feminine form to take between nouns, soft and ni?

  6. David Schultz

    Can you please help me with the meaning of this sentence? The case meaning of
    “pelnomocnikom” especially confuses me.

    Przewodniczacy nakazal doreczenie odpisu zazalenia pelnomocnkom adw. A. Czuchowskiej oraz r pr. A. Philipp oraz przeslanie akt do Sadu Okregowego.

    As soon as you can. Thanks very much.
    David Schultz

    1. Mark Biernat

      The Chairman ordered to deliver the copy of complaint to A. Czuchowskiej (lawyer) and Legal Counsel A. Philipp, and also to send the files to a district Court.

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