Polish farm
The following are some photos from a Polish farm.

This is not just any farm mind you, but rather my wife’s parents place north of Krakow and south of Warsaw. These photos do not do it justice because did not take photos of the nice buildings and structures and beautiful homes but just normal countryside things. I would have also liked to get some nice landscape photos from a hill, but maybe another time.

Polish agriculture

In Poland something like 20% of the entire population are farmers or closely connected to farming.

This is compared to less than 1% in America and 5% in western European counties. I actually like this, although many people would call this inefficient. Why do I like this?

I get fresh organic home grown produce from local farmers. Can you image how much this would cost in a Whole foods shop, or even a farmers market. Lets be honest unless you live in Vermont the food in America is not that great. I am American and love America, but agriculture is big business.

In the States everything is from commercial farms in the West or Mexico and the food has little taste.

In Poland from the Polish farms food taste indescribably good.

Please leave a comment and let me know what you think of my photos, you can use my photos as long as you give me a link back. Thanks.

The Polish countryside is so peaceful. It is like going back to some romantic European novel most people only dream about. It has rolling hills and streams and old, no ancient stone buildings and walls.

I hope that too many people do not discover the beauty of this place, because you know how it is, once people find it, it is lost forever. It is a magical place. But for now the Polish farm beauty still exists.
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